Hi! I’m Andrea, but a sweet little one calls me “Nana” and three little dears call me “grandma.” I don’t really care what they call me, I’m just thrilled to have them in my life! I’m also a semi-retired journalist who spent the best part of my career as executive/managing editor of an award-winning parenting magazine.
I always wanted to be a mom and I was thrilled to become a grandmother—but oh, how times have changed in the 30 or so years since I was a new mom.
While I blend my “old way” of doing things (which I learned from trial and error or, honestly, the mistakes I watched my own parents make) and the “new way” of doing things (or so my children tell me), what I find most confusing is HOW DID I GET HERE?! How can I be old enough to have adult children, let alone GRANDchildren?!
I mean, wasn’t it just yesterday I was strapping my own kid into a carseat and schlepping her to the grocery store and play group?
And where did all these lines and dark spots on my face come from and, for the love of all that’s holy, can we talk about the inner tube that I try to shove in the waistband of my jeans every day? (My doctor says the term is “meno-belly).
You’ll learn more about me and “the grands” if you follow my blog.
In the meantime, please meet up with me here each week—or more!—for some information, entertainment and everything you need to know about GRANDparenting!