Looking for Preschools in Southcentral Pa.?

CHAMBERSBURG, PA—CareerTech Franklin County Career & Technology Center is accepting applications for 2023-2024 enrollment in its Little Apprentices Preschool.

Through Little Apprentices Preschool, children ages 3-5 will participate in Circle Time with songs, puppets and books; have gross motor (exercise) time; practice important academic skills such as writing, math and reading; have free choice time to explore their own interests; snack time; and be engaged in learning through fun, themed weeks.

Preschool is taught by CareerTech’s Early Education Program and will run Sept. 11, 2023-May 9, 2024. Cost is $110 per semester. Children 3-5 must be potty-trained. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis and may be found at FranklinCTC.com (click on CURRENT STUDENTS & FAMILIES > STUDENT FORMS > PRESCHOOL ENROLLMENT FORM.

If you represent a preschool that has enrollment opportunities, please contact www.grandparentingasknana for a free listing!

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